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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

boLa JarINg LagI..

boLa JarIng.. niE laH laH ruTin aKu seTiaP haRi raBu.. maLas BeTul.. dah laH MaIn Kat STB SL.. JaUh.. naK peGi saBaH puNya PasaL.. Kena LaH KaYUh peLaN-peLaN ke SaNa.. huHuHu.. aKu dIberI poSiSi WD.. deNgaN keTingGiaN yaNg aKu aDe.. oKey LaH tU.. daRipaDa KeNa GD aRi Tu.. naK defeNce boLa Pon TaK saMPaI..haRu bIru DibuaTnya.. Jon Kita RiKi keDudUkan BoLa JarIng..


Kedudukan bola jaring↓
Nama kedudukan Singkatan Lawan Kawasan dibenarkan
Goal Shooter GS Goal Keeper. Attacking third, including goal circle
Goal Attack GA Goal Defence Attacking and centre thirds, including the goal circle
Wing Attack WA Wing Defence Attacking and centre thirds, but not the goal circle
Centre C Centre Attacking, centre, and defending thirds, but not the goal circles
Wing Defence WD Wing Attack Centre and defending thirds, but not the goal circle
Goal Defence GD Goal Attack Centre and defending thirds, including the goal circle
Goal Keeper GK Goal Shooter Defending third, including the goal circle


daH laMa taK berSukaN.. skaLi MaiN samPaI paNcit Di BuaT nya.. kaLu daPat paTner YaNg saMa keTingGiaN nGan aKu taK pe GaK.. daPat YaNg liNcaH.. PoNaT cIk diBuat NYo.. daH skaNg muSim paNas.. hiTam LegaM diBuaTnya.. naSib baIk seMinggU seKalI jerK laTihaN.. kalU haRi-haRi.. cONfiRm.. ceraH pUnya..

maCam MaNe naK caRi sTamiNa nIe.. naK joGiNg puNya laH raJin.. heHehe.. taK boLeh JaDi niE.. (waH seManGat LaH PlaK)..aKaN kU fiKir kaN nYa.. hehehe.. daH laH.. naK siaP kaN keJa plaK.. jaP g naK gi Men bola DaH.. adIOs..


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